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  • Jean Kaye Wilson

The Call - February 2016

THE CALL - Feb 2016

4000 People Treated in Malawi

Yes the numbers were incredable, and the amount of illness brought tears to your eyes, but our lord is big enough even for those in Malawi, their stories are heart retching as they poured into the clinic to be treated. Many had walked all night to get to us and we were humbled to be of service.

The needs were so great and our ability to treat so minimal, but we did all that we could, we taught many about public healthier initiatives, identified and gave out 2000 pairs of glasses, and prayed for so very many. The ministry we were partnering with was Healing Hope Mission, who plants churches, makes diciples and brings hope to the poorest country in the world. We will be forever changed, and God will be glorified. Our heart breaks for those affected, and know that God is able to bring HOPE.

"His Everlasting Love Prevails"

Don and Jean Kaye


Container Arrives in Israel!!!!

The container has arrived and has been distributed already. Thank you so much for your help.....Here is the letter of thanks we received. Some of our team was there in Israel when it was received. What a blessing to bless the Jewish People. Below is the thank you we received from the Christian Friends of Israel.

"Dear Jean,

People like all the clothes we received from you very much. I think most popular are the ski jackets. Of course the timing is perfect, just before winter. We have a few boxes left, but those will not last till the end of the year.

Have a blessed weekend,


A special thank you to everyone that worked on this project.

We are needing your help again......

please come and pack for the next load to go out in May 2016.

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